Charities and Organisations

Here at Big Radio Spain we do what we can for our community, which is why we collaborate with local charities, organisations, and associations as much as possible. Find a charity or association on this web page, or if you would like us to include yours please email


Charities, Organisations and Associations

First Steps Grief Support Group

Are you finding life difficult after the death of a loved one?  Don’t know who to turn to? 

First Steps Grief Support Group runs a bereavement programme for those struggling to cope with the trauma of losing a loved one.  At this difficult time, our qualified practitioners will guide you through your personal journey with grief, where you can share your feelings and concerns, or simply listen in a confidential and safe environment.

The programme is held in a private room at Reflections Bar in San Luis, Torrevieja, on Saturday mornings.  It runs over 12 weeks, comprising fortnightly sessions in a small group of 6 participants.  Each of these sessions is facilitated by one of our professional grief practitioners and a support worker from our team of volunteers.  The sessions start at 10.30am until 1pm, including a break, and finish with an optional Wellness session, such as breathing techniques to control anxiety and gentle chair yoga.  The programme is delivered by our wonderful team of volunteers in English and at no cost to participants.

In addition, we host a Cafe Club at 10.30am until 12.30 noon every Saturday in the bar of Reflections, to enable you to have a chat over coffee in an informal setting, whether you’re taking part in the formal Programme or perhaps considering it.  We’re inviting applications from people who would like to join our next Programme, starting in January 2025, so for more information and to register, please call or whatsapp Jill Peard on +34 624 675 940 or come along to the Cafe Club. 


After pushing the limits for the past few years the Moftag club of Calpe finally reached their target of raising 3000 euros at their Spring Fayre last Saturday 4th may!

The fayre was held at Pub Delfin, Calpe and was very well visited.   Amongst the goods on offer was a large variety of homemade cakes, savouries, marmalades and chutneys.   The bric-a-brac had an amazing selection of jewellery and house hold items.   Handmade greeting cards were also on sale and the cutest hand knitted goods.

For entertainment there was a treasure hunt game, a dice game and the ever popular bottle tombola.   Moftag has become renowned for its superior raffle prizes and this year was no exception with luxury food hampers, vouchers for beauty treatments and meals and beautiful flowers and plants.

Moftag would like to thank everyone who made this event possible and especially the members of the Calpe community who came along to support them.   Together we can make a difference for so many of the Calpe charities, like the Red Cross, Caritas, Maite Boronat, children in care, single parents, homeless people, the Fibromyalgia Association and Calpe cat shelter.

If you are interested in being a member and enjoying a nice social club please contact the president, Jenny Godfrey at 639 139 518.


In 1978 Calpe was a very different place to the Calpe we know today. Still quite a small village. There was an English community but no organized social life. Kathy Whiteside, our founding  member,  was very concerned  that something  should  be done for lonely ladies. Calpe could  be a very lonely place for widows  and ladies  living on their  own. There was nowhere  to meet and socialise. It was not acceptable for ladies on their  own to frequent bars, and there  was  nowhere  else to meet people  in similar  circumstances.

So Kathy organised a Bring and Buy Coffee morning and invited all the people she thought might be interested.    25 ladies arrived and the idea of forming a club was discussed. From that humble beginning a committee was formed and a name for the club was chosen.    It was suggested   using the initials  of the following  “Mighty  Oaks from  Tiny Acorn  Grow” hence the name…. M.O.F.T.A.G

Kathy drew up a constitution. The Club’s aims were to be compassionate, creative and social, not be connected in any way to religious or political organisations nor would it be profit making.

The club quickly grew with a general meeting on the second Wednesday of each month and other activities on the other Wednesdays.     Class Groups were formed and held in the homes of members.  In later years Moftag started having a general monthly meeting at a designated venue.

To celebrate the 1st Anniversary 40 of the 53 members partook of an excellent meal at the Mirador Restaurant. It was about this time that the decision to allow husbands and men friends to join in some of the activities was taken and they often join in on the lunches and excursions.

From these early beginnings MOFTAG continued to flourish reaching a membership   of over 100 ladies at one stage.    At the present time the club still upholds its original aims.    Widows and lonely ladies are still welcomed and looked after.   Although the class groups have been dropped MOFTAG still works hard to raise money for local charitable causes and two big fundraising  events are held each year.

Amongst the charities that are regularly supported are The Red Cross, Calpe, Caritas, Maite Boronat, Children in need, single parents, Project 4 All, feeding the homeless and the Fibromyalgia association in Calpe.

Our current President Jenny Godfrey was one of the original 25 ladies and has been a member ever since. MOFTAG  is the longest  running  Calpe  Club and is a registered  Charity.

Help Vega Baja

Help Vega Baja

965 021 552

24 Hour, Confidential, Emotional Support HELPLINE

Do you need to talk to someone?

Little steps can make us stronger

Take the first step today and call The Connections Team

Don’t struggle alone… Let the Connections Team support you!

If you are not ready to pick up the phone – you can email the team at or come along to our “Drop-In Service” at the HELP Vega Baja office, San Miguel, on Monday, Wednesday or Friday afternoons from 2pm until 5pm.

Connections Team is part of HELP Bega Baja – Supporting people in the community for over 35 years.


The Befriending Service aims to support carers in need of respite and the lonely who are unable to leave home.

To find out more contact the Befriending Service Co-ordinator at or call the HELP Vega Baja San Miguel Centre on 966 723 733 or 865 061 497

We also need more volunteers to join our team for this exciting new service – come and join us!

San Miguel Centre: Calle Lope de Vega, 45, San Miguel de Salinas. Tel: 966 723 733. Open: Monday to Friday 10am – 1.30pm. Email:
HELP desk, La Marina: Hope Christian Fellowship, La Marina. Tel: 615 770 145. Open: Every Thursday 10am – 1.30pm.
CONNECTIONS TEAM: 24 Hour Confidential & Emotional Support Helpline – Trained volunteers available day and night to listen and to offer you support. Tel: 965 021 552

Drop-In service available Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2pm – 5pm at the San Miguel Centre

Follow us on FACEBOOK – HELP Vega Baja

The Men's Shed

Men’s Sheds are worldwide, and the one in the municipality of San Fulgencio is the first in Spain. 

Amongst our other projects, we support and carry out projects for the community.

Our current project is raising enough funds to buy a Defibrillator for use within the community.

See us featured on Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun, building a raised garden for Mason, a young boy in the communitty with Cerebral Palsy.

Salt Church

Salt Church Sunday Service 10.30am

Salt Church is a vibrant & friendly English-speaking Church in Los Montesinos, made up of people of many different church backgrounds and nationalities.

Salt Church style of worship is informal and includes a lively mixture of contemporary and traditional music with Bible based preaching and teaching.

Salt Church believe in sharing the good things they have and so in addition to our weekly meetings, they hold Mens Breakfasts, Salt Sisters Women’s events and other social activities. Salt Church also support local charities through monthly food collections.


Contact Salt Church:


Facebook: Salt Church Spain


The Royal British Legion

Elche Childrens Care Home

La Marina Street Cats