Can Caz do 10K?

Caz with Andy in January

Our lovely Caz is mad as a box of frogs and has decided to run 10K because she never stops, her!

The run will take place in September in San Miguel de Salinas. The exact date will be announced soon!

Do you think she will do it?

Follow her journey here, with the amazing Andy Heath from Repz Fitness Consultants as he helps to turn Caz into the strongest version of herself!

Raising funds for Help Vega Baja, based in San Miguel and these amazing Vets based in Los Montesinos in memory of her little dog Minni Matthews 

Sponsor Caz by clicking on the Go Fund Me image below, or pop into the Big FM office in Ciudad Quesada and sign up on her sponsor sheet.

Session 16

Session 15

Session 14

Session 13

Session 12

Session 11

Session 10

Session 9

Session 8

Session 7

Session 6

Session 5

Session 4

Week 4

3 Videos

Week 4

3 Videos

Session 3

Far too much swearing Caz! No pain no gain!

Sessions 1 & 2